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  • This layer represents polygon boundaries that define the Fuel Hazard Management Units to calculate compliance with the 'Fuel Hazard in Fire Management Zones' provisions of the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 (as amended from time to time) (the Code). The definition provided in the Code (Amended 2022) is: 'fuel hazard management unit' means an area of land of that description shown in the spatial information in the Fuel Hazard Management layer in the Victorian Spatial Data Library, published by the Secretary or delegate. A fuel hazard management unit typically encompasses several fire management zones across a broader landscape, region or district.

  • This layer represents polygon coverage of immediate protection areas announced under the Victorian Forestry Plan and updated on 21 November 2019. The Immediate Protection Area (IPA) responds to a new conservation measure described within the Flora and Fauna Guarantee (FFG) Action Statement for the Greater Glider and indicates areas of State Forest (including existing Special Protection Zone, Special Management Zone and General Management Zone) and other public land areas where timber harvesting operations are to be excluded.

  • The MOG spatial dataset shows the modelled extent of Old Growth Forest in Victoria. This spatial layer is based on the MOG2009, with reduced extent based on disturbances from fire and timber harvesting up to July 2018. Coming soon - The addition of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for parts of the Central Highlands and East Gippsland will be added progressively through 2019-20. The addition of these LiDAR derived classifications to the MOG dataset, will provide Victoria's most complete and up to date assessment of Victoria's modelled old growth forest extent.