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Condition is a linear representation of roads on Public Land defined by physical surface condition. Condition descriptions are determined by DEECA's roads operational plan. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Condition categories are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's RAMS asset database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.
Fire Access code is a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by if the road is used for Strategic Fire Access The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Fire Access Codes are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's ROADS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.
Surface type is a linear representation of roads on Public Land defined by physical surface of the road. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Surface categories are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's RAMS asset system contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.
Crossings is the location and description of crossing structures on roads within Public land. It includes bridges, culverts, fords and other crossing types, particularly those requiring maintenance. It is a point feature class, tied to Vicmap Transport lines. DEECA's RAMS asset database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road and crossings assets. This dataset is extracted and post processed with some spatial inputs added.
Class codes is a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by road class. Class codes range from 5A to 5E and fall into the national 'forest roads' category. Class codes describe a road by its physical characteristics and usage. The prefix 5 is related to the Austroads National Functional Road Classification categories. A DSE road's class code will determine it's maintenance regime and is used in asset management tools. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Classes are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DSE's ROADS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets. It is envisaged that the database be accessible through GIMS asset management system.
Toll Roads are a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by if the road is used by VicForests for their logging operations. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Toll Roads are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's ROADS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.
RDB_Authority is a linear representation of roads on Public Land categorised by managing agency. Generally, it does not include roads managed by local governement or VicRoads. Determination of the managing authority of roads is by agreement with relevant parties and verified by each regional manager within DSE. When a road is assigned to a managing authority it implies responsibility for matters relating to the road, including management and maintenance. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Authority categories are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DSE's ROADS database contains information relating to DSE-managed road assets.
Category is a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by management category. This layer is used to determine 'Public Access' roads as defined in the State Road Management Act. It also defines non-public register roads and breaks them down into operational categories such as seasonal closures, maintenance vehicle only and unmaintained tracks. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Categories are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's RAMS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets. It is envisaged that the database be accessible through GIMS asset management system.
Inspection is a linear representation of road inspection requirements. It generally shows how often a road is required to be inspected. The state Road Management Act decrees that Roads used by the public are inspected at certain intervals or trigger events such as reported damage. This covers roads managed by DSE and Parks Victoria. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Classes are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DSE's ROADS database contains information relating to DSE-managed road assets. It is envisaged that the database be accessible through GIMS asset management system.
This layer is a polygon layer depicting government road casements, or easements on public land. The layer has been derived from the Crown Lands Government Roads layer, where road polygons intersects with public land, or within a 500m buffer of public land.