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  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies undeveloped land for residential development generally on the fringe of the metropolitan area. Each record in the database details the anticipated development timing, the area of the site in hectares and the potential lot yield. Other details are also records against each site. This information maps land areas for both the supply and recent development categories they are; Supply area categoties >> 1-2years, 3-5years, 6-10years, 11+years, UGZ (PSP required) and Potential Residential (Geelong region only). Recently developed categories >> Developed land for years 2007, 2008 & land under construction. In addition to the development status categories, two other attributes describe whether the land is currently zoned residential and/or is low density.

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies all industrial land across the Melbourne and Geelong and the development status and size of each land parcel in hectares. This information maps all industrial zoned land and land of industrial nature, ie. includes land within Special use zones, Airport Business Park, Business 3 Zones and Comprehensive Development Zone in Whittlesea. Each land parcel is assessed as being either Unavaillable or Supply industrial land and colour coded by as a combination of this and the zoning.

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies sites predominanatly in existing urban areas that are proposed to be converted or redeveloped for residential purposes and that will yield 10 or more dwellings. Typically the previous use of these site were industrial, commercial or had some other existing urban use. Each site is categorised into a development status, the area and the total number of dwellings are also recorded against each site. These sites exist in established urban areas, and complements the Broadhectare Residential Land data. This information maps both supply and recent development categories as; Supply >> 1-2years, 3-5years and 6-10years, Under construction Development >> Constructed

  • The Housing Development Data (HDD) provides a comprehensive spatial inventory of all dwellings, vacant parcels of land where a dwelling may be permitted and residential development across the Melbourne metropolitan captured on an annual basis between December/January 2004 to 2008. An annual update of the data is planned. This data complements the monitoring and reporting of UDP Broadhectare and Major Redevelopment Sites. HDD is made up of two main data streams, A. Housing Stock by year which identifies number of dwellings on each parcel of land across the 31 metro local government areas and B. Housing Development which show the change in dwelling stock over various time periods. A. Housing Stock databases 1. ALL_MELBOURNE_2004_Stock 2. ALL_MELBOURNE_2005_Stock 3. ALL_MELBOURNE_2006_Stock 4. ALL_MELBOURNE_2007_Stock 5. ALL_MELBOURNE_2008_Stock B. Housing Development databases 1. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2004to2005 2. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2005to2006 3. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2006to2007 4. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2007to2008 5. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2004to2008

  • Refer to UDP_HDD_STOCK2014 to order the dataset. The Housing Development Data (HDD) provides a comprehensive spatial inventory of all dwellings, vacant parcels of land where a dwelling may be permitted and residential development across the Melbourne metropolitan captured on an annual basis between December/January 2004 to 2012. An annual update of the data is planned. HDD is made up of two main data streams, A. Housing Stock by year which identifies number of dwellings on each parcel of land across the 31 metro local government areas and B. Housing Development which show the change in dwelling stock over various time periods. A. Housing Stock databases ALL_MELBOURNE_2012_Stock B. Housing Development databases ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2011to2012 C. The following supplementary datsets are available upon request 1. ALL_MELBOURNE_2004_Stock 2. ALL_MELBOURNE_2005_Stock 3. ALL_MELBOURNE_2006_Stock 4. ALL_MELBOURNE_2007_Stock 5. ALL_MELBOURNE_2008_Stock 6. ALL_MELBOURNE_2009_Stock 7. ALL_MELBOURNE_2010_Stock 8. ALL_MELBOURNE_2011_Stock 11. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2004to2005 12. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2005to2006 13. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2006to2007 14. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2006to2007 15. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2007to2008 16. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2008to2009 17. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2009to2010 18. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2010to2011 19. ALL_MELBOURNE_Projects2011to2012

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies sites predominanatly in existing urban areas that are proposed to be converted or redeveloped for residential purposes and that will yield 10 or more dwellings. Typically the previous use of these site were industrial, commercial or had some other existing urban use. Each site is categorised into a development status, the area and the total number of dwellings are also recorded against each site. These sites exist in established urban areas, and complements the Broadhectare Residential Land data. This information maps both supply and recent development categories as; Supply >> 1-2years, 3-5years and 6-10years, Under construction Development >> Constructed

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. This information maps the six industrial nodes identified in metropolitan Melbourne. These are areas where there is significant existing industrial activity, market interest and future industrial land identified. These are: West Industrial Node Airport Industrial Node North Industrial Node South Industrial Node Melton Industrial Node Pakenham Industrial Node

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Maps the boundaries of current major housing estates. Used inconjunction with Broadhectare Residential land dataset.

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. This information maps the six industrial nodes identified in metropolitan Melbourne. These are areas where there is significant existing industrial activity, market interest and future industrial land identified. These are: West Industrial Node Airport Industrial Node North Industrial Node South Industrial Node Melton Industrial Node Pakenham Industrial Node

  • This layer provides an annual view of residential dwellings for Metropolitan Melbourne defined by the 31 local government areas. Dwelling information is assigned to polygons representing Victoria's land parcels for the particular year. Key fields include: Number of residential dwellings on a parcel; parcel size, whether a parcel is vacant, whether construction activity is present, and the street address. Polygon information is sourced from the Parcel View - Vicmap Property dataset (VMPROP_PARCEL_VIEW).