Environment Protection Authority Victoria
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EPA Victoria divides the state up into seven operational regional areas. Each is responsible for the control and co-ordination of all activities relating to the discharge of waste into the environment, the generation, storage, treatment and disposal of industrial waste, and the emission of noise in the region. Activities such as licensing, works approvals, enforcement, consideration of planning permit referrals (that is, referred from responsible planning authorities for consideration) are carried out by each office.
EPA maintains a searchable list of sites or properties issued with a certificate or statement of environmental audit in accordance with 53X of the Environment Protection Act 1970, and sites with a audit issued in accordance with section 53V of the Environment Protection Act 1970. EPA also maintains a searchable list of sites and properties issued with a statement of environmental audits issued in accordance with section 208 of the Environment Protection Act 2017. Since the 1st of July 2021, the notification of new 53X and 53V audits under the Environmental Protect Act 1970 ceased and all environmental audits since this date have been notified under section 208 Environmental Protection Act 2017. The types of audits notified under the Environmental Protection Act 2017 include, Land Suitability Audits which most commonly take place when land is proposed for new use and is potentially contaminated, or if it is already covered by an Environmental Audit Overlay. Risk of Harm from an activity audits which are related to sites with EPA permissions or licences, Risk of Harm from Contaminated Land, Pollution or Waste Audits which are mostly related to EPA notices relating to clean up of pollution or waste on sites. This dataset mirrors the audit data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website public register page.
This dataset contains all operating licences (OL) under section 74 of the Environment Protection Act 2017. An OL is a type of licence is for a prescribed activity(https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/environment-protection-regulations-2021/) in Schedule 1 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2021. Licensed activities require the highest level of regulatory control within the EPA permissions scheme(https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/publications/1799-2) (publication 1799 at EPA website). This is due to the potential high risk of harm to human health and the environment. An operating licence is a type of permission issued by EPA. It is a legal document held by a legal entity, whether a person, a company, a statutory corporation or a municipal council, and contains conditions that regulate the risk of harm to human health and environment from the activity at the OL activity site. These conditions address areas including: risk management, record keeping and reporting, waste acceptance and treatment or disposal, air and water discharges, and noise and odour. This dataset mirrors the operating licence data available on EPA's public register, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's public register for permissions(https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/public-registers/permissions).
EPA Victoria Victorian Landfill Register (VLR) - Location Polygons The Victorian Landfill Register created by EPA in 2018 lists all current and known closed landfills in Victoria and creates a strong foundation for building a complete and comprehensive landfill register for Victorians. Landfills can cause contamination, but once a landfill is closed, operators are obliged to rehabilitate and manage their sites. Even when closed, careful management of sites is required. Many rehabilitated landfills are now safe parks and public spaces, enjoyed by the community. The register draws information from various sources and all sites listed undergo verification before inclusion on the register. While this public register will make landfill information more available, it should not be used as the only source of information when making important decisions. EPA will continue to build on the register, adding information and improving the service. This dataset mirrors the VLR data available on EPA's website, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date information on operating landfill please visit the EPA register of permission.
EPA maintains a searchable list of sites or properties issued with a certificate or statement of environmental audit in accordance with 53X of the Environment Protection Act 1970, and sites with a audit issued in accordance with section 53V of the Environment Protection Act 1970. EPA also maintains a searchable list of sites and properties issued with a statement of environmental audits issued in accordance with section 208 of the Environment Protection Act 2017. Since the 1st of July 2021, the notification of new 53X and 53V audits under the Environmental Protect Act 1970 ceased and all environmental audits since this date have been notified under section 208 Environmental Protection Act 2017. The types of audits notified under the Environmental Protection Act 2017 include, Land Suitability Audits which most commonly take place when land is proposed for new use and is potentially contaminated, or if it is already covered by an Environmental Audit Overlay. Risk of Harm from an activity audits which are related to sites with EPA permissions or licences, Risk of Harm from Contaminated Land, Pollution or Waste Audits which are mostly related to EPA notices relating to clean up of pollution or waste on sites. This dataset mirrors the audit data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website public register page.
EPA Victoria Victorian Landfill Register (VLR) - Location Points The Victorian Landfill Register created by EPA in 2018 lists all current and known closed landfills in Victoria and creates a strong foundation for building a complete and comprehensive landfill register for Victorians. Landfills can cause contamination, but once a landfill is closed, operators are obliged to rehabilitate and manage their sites. Even when closed, careful management of sites is required. Many rehabilitated landfills are now safe parks and public spaces, enjoyed by the community. The register draws information from various sources and all sites listed undergo verification before inclusion on the register. While this public register will make landfill information more available, it should not be used as the only source of information when making important decisions. EPA will continue to build on the register, adding information and improving the service. This dataset mirrors the VLR data available on EPA's website, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date information on operating landfill please visit the EPA register of permission.
EPA to update metadata record. TBC re-name copy of GQRUZ_POINT. Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the GQRUZ data published. EPA will not be held liable or responsible for any errors, or for any loss incurred from reliance on this data. Further information about a GQRUZ can be found in the audit report for the selected site. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.
This dataset contains all operating licences (OL) under section 74 of the Environment Protection Act 2017. An OL is a type of licence is for a prescribed activity(https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/environment-protection-regulations-2021/) in Schedule 1 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2021. Licensed activities require the highest level of regulatory control within the EPA permissions scheme(https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/publications/1799-2) (publication 1799 at EPA website). This is due to the potential high risk of harm to human health and the environment. An operating licence is a type of permission issued by EPA. It is a legal document held by a legal entity, whether a person, a company, a statutory corporation or a municipal council, and contains conditions that regulate the risk of harm to human health and environment from the activity at the OL activity site. These conditions address areas including: risk management, record keeping and reporting, waste acceptance and treatment or disposal, air and water discharges, and noise and odour. This dataset mirrors the operating licence data available on EPA's public register, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's public register for permissions(https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/public-registers/permissions).
The Priority Sites Register (PSR), maintained by EPA and publicly available since May 1990, is a current EPA service providing a list to the public. PSR is a list of sites in Victoria, where EPA has issued a notice requiring active management to clean up, monitor, or prevent pollution of land and/or groundwater contamination, specifically: Under the Environment Protection Act 1970: Clean Up Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to section 62A Pollution Abatement Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to section 31A or 31B Under the Environment Protection Act 2017 Improvement Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 271 Prohibition Notices (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 272 Environment Action Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 274 Site Management Order (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 275 Typically, these are sites where contamination of land and/or groundwater presents an unacceptable risk to human health or to the environment. The condition of these sites is not compatible with the current or approved use of the site without active management to reduce the risk to human health and the environment. The priority sites data provides information about all current/active priority sites. Once a site has complied with notices it is removed from the PSR list. The PSR does not list all sites that are known to be contaminated in Victoria. A site should not be presumed to be free of contamination just because it does not appear on the PSR.
The Priority Sites Register (PSR), maintained by EPA and publicly available since May 1990, is a current EPA service providing a list to the public. PSR is a list of sites in Victoria, where EPA has issued a notice requiring active management to clean up, monitor, or prevent pollution of land and/or groundwater contamination, specifically: Under the Environment Protection Act 1970: Clean Up Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to section 62A Pollution Abatement Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to section 31A or 31B Under the Environment Protection Act 2017 Improvement Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 271 Prohibition Notices (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 272 Environment Action Notice (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 274 Site Management Order (related to land and groundwater) pursuant to Section 275 Typically, these are sites where contamination of land and/or groundwater presents an unacceptable risk to human health or to the environment. The condition of these sites is not compatible with the current or approved use of the site without active management to reduce the risk to human health and the environment. The priority sites data provides information about all current/active priority sites. Once a site has complied with notices it is removed from the PSR list. The PSR does not list all sites that are known to be contaminated in Victoria. A site should not be presumed to be free of contamination just because it does not appear on the PSR.