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  • Oil and Gas fields as supplied by Petroleum Section within Minerals and Petroleum Division in the Department of Primary Industries.

  • Geological Basins extent for the onshore Mesozoic/Cenozoic sedimentary basins.

  • Geological Basins

  • Areas that have been offered for work program bidding under the Geothermal Energy Resources Act 2005. This dataset is currently not relevant as there are no acreage releases at present (30/09/2009)

  • The polygons depict the outline of 3D surveys. These outlines illustrate the survey outlines but are not consistently defined. The polygons have been extracted from survey reports but may illustrate surface coverage, full fold coverage or even the final grid definitions. Care should be exercised when using these polygons for anything other than an indication of survey extent.

  • Seismic Survey Lines - for Petroleum Industry Exploration

  • Seismic Survey Points - for Petroleum Industry Exploration

  • Areas that have been offered for work program bidding under the following Acts: Offshore 3 Nautical Mile Limit waters - Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas storage Act 2006 Onshore - Petroleum Act 2005 This dataset no longer contains data outside the 3 Nautical Mile Limit (Commonwealth waters). Commonwealth data can be obtained at

  • Petroleum permit boundaries including exploration permits, retention leases and production licences under the following Acts: Offshore 3 Nautical Mile Limit waters - Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas storage Act 2006 Onshore - Petroleum Act 2005 as of June 2007, it also includes Special Access Authorities Special Prospecting Authorities Access Authorities

  • Geothermal Tenements under the Geothermal Energy Resources Act 2005