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378 record(s)
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  • This dataset indicates lots across the state of Victoria that are eligible for Future Homes. Eligible lots, in accordance with Clause 53.24 of the Victorian Planning Scheme are within General Residential Zoned land, are not affected by a Heritage Overlay or a Neighbourhood Character Overlay, and are within an 800m buffer of a designated activity centre or passenger carrying train station. This dataset is provided by the Department of Transport (DTP) for informational purposes only and is solely intended to provide general information on the potential eligibility for 'Future Homes' lots. No information provided in this dataset constitutes legal or other professional advice. The information is provided on the basis that any person viewing the data will assume responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its contents and reliance on the information will be at one's own risk. DTP excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability for loss of any kind arising directly or indirectly from any inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in any information provided by DTP, or any negligence or lack of care in relation to the preparation or provision of the information. For any queries regarding the data please contact the team at

  • 1:30 000 format Mapgrid of Australia Mapsheet Boundaries as used for the A3 online topographic maps.

  • The Inverloch Region Coastal Hazard Assessment is a modelled dataset assessing sea level rises, planning horizons and storm events to determine erosion hazard zones in the study area. The sea level rise components and subsequent planning horizons consisted of 0m (2020), 0.2m (2040), 0.5m (2070) and 0.8m (2100). The design storm events modelled were 1%,5% and 10% AEP (annual exceedance probability). The study reports can be obtained by contacting - some generalisation for publishing in CoastKit.

  • VCMP Sites - Coastal Erosion Indicators The Coastal Erosion Indicators dataset features five statistics and a combined coastal erosion indicator value to describe the state of a beach. The statistics are calculated from data collected cross sites monitored by the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program (VCMP) along Victoria's coastline, Sites are spatially represented as polygon data. Coastal Erosion Indicators (Erosion Warning Indicators) There is no one simple metric that can effectively describe the state of a beach. The approach here is to use a combination of statistics and combine them into a single 'Coastal Erosion Indicator'. This gives a multi-faceted assessment of erosion characteristics at a given site and allows for quantitative comparison across sites. The 5 erosion statistics are: 1. Long-term shoreline change (1988 to 2021) – averaged across each site using Digital Earth Australia satellite shorelines. 2. Short-term change (last 2-years) – averaged across each site using VCMP drone surveys. 3. Ratio of shoreline eroding (last 2-years) - using VCMP drone data. 4. Ratio of backshore (dune/cliff line) eroding (last 2-years) – using VCMP drone data. 5. Max. backshore erosion (last 2-years, 3-point average alongshore) – using VCMP drone data. The VCMP drone survey short-term outputs include shorelines for each survey, taking the ‘shoreline’ as the +1 m AHD contour for Open Coast sites, and +0.5 m AHD contour for large bay sites. Drone survey data collection is performed as described in Pucino et al., 2021 and Ierodiaconou et al., 2022, and outlined as: - Data processing and quality control conducted within the Propeller platform (, with additional manual quality control checks, to achieve a horizontal-vertical uncertainty of 0.1 m or better (Pucino et al., 2021), with output products of Digital Surface Models (DSM) and orthomosaics - Analysis is conducted using a statewide framework of 30-m spaced transects More information about the Coastal Erosion Indicators dataset and the calculation of the erosion indicator statistics, and other datasets generated from the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program, can be found at

  • This dataset indicates lots across the state of Victoria that are eligible for Future Homes. Eligible lots, in accordance with Clause 53.24 of the Victorian Planning Scheme are within General Residential Zoned land, are not affected by a Heritage Overlay or a Neighbourhood Character Overlay, and are within an 800m buffer of a designated activity centre or passenger carrying train station. This dataset is provided by the Department of Transport (DTP) for informational purposes only and is solely intended to provide general information on the potential eligibility for 'Future Homes' lots. No information provided in this dataset constitutes legal or other professional advice. The information is provided on the basis that any person viewing the data will assume responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its contents and reliance on the information will be at one's own risk. DTP excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability for loss of any kind arising directly or indirectly from any inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in any information provided by DTP, or any negligence or lack of care in relation to the preparation or provision of the information. For any queries regarding the data please contact the team at

  • Estimated long-term mean annual radiation interpolated to a 20m grid cell using the DEM20 layer and the ANUCLIM software.

  • Estimated long-term mean annual evaporation interpolated to a 20m grid cell using the DEM20 layer and the ANUCLIM software.

  • The land systems of Victoria, as described and delineated by Rowan in 1989, provide a statewide coverage of land type that are applicable to a wide range of land resource management and planning programs. This dataset consolidates a broad range of land resource information drawn from an uneven base to provide a consistent, if limited, coverage of the lands of Victoria. The explicit links with the original sources of data have been retained. The data set was developed from a range of studies of varying methologies and intensities over some forty years. The reliability of the information varies across regions accordingly.

  • This layer delineates broad agricultural land uses in Victoria. LUSE250_1991 was created by manually interpreting 1991 LANDSAT TM satellite data and incorporating forest cover boundaries from FORCOV500-87. The land use boundaries have been registered to 1:500,000 topographic features. (not current - see revised LANDUSE250)

  • Contains Seamless Geology Earth Resources within DJPR datasets